Mathematics Studies Medium Level

Due to the diverse needs, interests and abilities of the students, the College San Fernando offers three different courses in mathematics:
  • Mathematics NS.
  • Mathematics NM.
  • Mathematical Studies NM.

These courses are designed for different groups of students: those who want to study mathematics in depth as a discipline in itself or for their interest in related subjects; those who wish to acquire a certain degree of understanding and knowledge that will help them in the study of other subjects; and those who are not yet aware of the relationship that mathematics can have with their studies and with everyday life. Each course is designed to meet the needs of a specific group of students. Therefore, students should consult with the School Management to choose the most suitable course for them, taking also into account their university future.

To make this decision, we advise each student to take into account the following factors:

  • The mathematical skills he has and the area of ​​mathematics where he can get better results.
  • Your personal interest in mathematics and the areas of the subject that may be more interesting.
  • The other subjects you choose in the Diploma Program.
  • Your academic plans for the future, specifically, the subjects you wish to study.
  • The profession you want to play in the future.

Mathematics Studies Middle Level: course description

The curriculum of the course focuses on important mathematical topics that are related to each other. It is organized and structured according to the following principles: placing more emphasis on the student's understanding of fundamental concepts than on symbolic manipulation and complex manipulative skills; to place more emphasis on the development of the mathematical reasoning of the students than on the performance of routine operations; solve mathematical problems included in a variety of contexts; and use the calculator effectively.

The course includes the development of a project, a unique feature of NM Mathematical Studies of the 5 Group. Each student makes a project based on a personal investigation that guides and supervises the teacher. The project provides students with the opportunity to carry out a mathematical study of their choice, using their own experience, skills and knowledge acquired during the course. This process allows students to assume sole responsibility for a part of their mathematics studies.

Students whose main interests are outside the field of mathematics will be the most likely to choose this course and, for many of them, this will be the last time they formally study the discipline. Therefore, all parts of the syllabus have been carefully chosen so that they can be studied from elementary principles. Consequently, students will be able to use their own capacity for logical reasoning without resorting to algorithms or memorizing formulas. Students who are expected to need mathematics in later studies should choose another mathematics course.

Given the nature of this course, teachers may consider traditional teaching methods inappropriate and opt for less formal team learning techniques that may be more motivating and rewarding for students. In general, it is easier to capture the interest of students with classes in which they start, whenever possible, with practical investigations, to continue later with the analysis of the results until they reach the comprehension of a principle and its formulation. in mathematical language. This type of approach is likely to help students better understand mathematics, as it provides them with an application context and allows them to better understand how they should structure work for the project.