Physics is one of the most important experimental sciences, since it tries to give an explanation of the universe itself, from the smallest particles that constitute it to the enormous intergalactic distances.
Despite this fascinating and extraordinary development of ideas throughout the history of physics, observation remains an essential element for the discipline. To try to understand the observations, models are developed, which can become theories that try to explain the observations.
Through the study of a science subject, students should be aware of the way in which scientists work and communicate with each other. Although the scientific method can take many different forms, a practical approach is emphasized. In addition, through the overarching theme of "Nature of Science", this knowledge and skills will be put into context in terms of how science and scientists operate in the 21st century, and the ethical debates and limitations of activity scientific
The sciences are taught in a practical way. Students have the opportunity to design their research, collect data, acquire manipulation techniques, analyze results, collaborate with colleagues, and evaluate and communicate their findings. They can carry out laboratory investigations or use simulations or databases. Students develop the skills necessary to work independently in their own design, but also in a group manner (including collaboration with schools in different regions) to reflect the way in which scientific research is carried out throughout the community.
Main characteristics of the curriculum and evaluation models
- Internal evaluation (individual research): 20%; External evaluation: 80%.
- The practical approach to the delivery of the course is emphasized through the interdisciplinary activity of the 4 Group project and a mix of short and long term experiments and research.
- The internal evaluation represents the 20% of the final evaluation and is evaluated through a single individual investigation. This research may involve a practical approach, the use of databases, the creation of models, simulations or a combination of the above options. The work of the students is evaluated by the teacher internally and moderated by the IB externally.
- The external evaluation of Physics consists of three written tests. The 1 test contains 30 multiple-choice questions. The 2 test contains short-answer and long-answer questions on core topics. The 3 test has two sections: section A contains a data-based question and several short-answer questions about experimental work on core topics. Section B contains short answer and long answer questions for each of the four options.